目前分類:London / Alfie (2)

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Alfie at the stage door of Queen's Theatre

在光華商場意外發現 "悲慘世界 Les Misérables" 25 周年紀念音樂會的藍光 DVD, 當天頭痛欲裂, 還是狠狠的坐在電視前看得熱淚盈框, 晚上立即通知, 無論如何一定要來看!

2011.08.23 蓓來家裡, 我們一起看了一次。Jean Valjean、Janvert、Enjolras ... 這 3 個到底是誰演的?


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Over the years, I never travel alone.
Finally, I leave for London, one of my favorite cities, today.
For Alfie, a real incredible artist.


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