
自己的文字印成鉛字的模樣, 果然是有魔法的!

寫完 Dragon Island I – Flame's Flight 之後, 書寶接著就寫了下面的故事。這故事的篇幅突然暴增, 一連寫了幾天都還沒寫完。一直到我把 Flame's Flight 打出來, 都還沒寫完。不過正因為看到了印出來的文章, 書寶開始興起把兩個故事作為個系列故事的開頭的想法!

下面是第二部約 1/5 的份量... 故事還在增長中...



Dragon Island II – The New Birth of Dragons (1)

Flame was playing with his friend, Flare, a pure-flame dragon (half a pure dragon and half a flame dragon). They were playing a game of burning the volcano where they have to both make a fake volcano out of woods and they have to use their fire to burn it to ash. The first to do it wins.

Flame was waiting for Flare who was still making his volcano. When he finally finished making his wood volcano, the game began. Flame hit it with a whole mouthful of flames and his volcano went into ashes in seconds. But Flare wasn’t so lucky. Because he is half a pure dragon and his fire half is not so good. So it took 1 minute for Flare and Flame won.

They also played a lot of other games of burning the volcano until the end of the day. Then they went to sleep.

The next morning, Flame went to have a sleepover with Coldy, Flame’s other friend, a cold fire dragon. They went into Coldy’s big flame habitat (Big because Coldy has a bigger family) and they went to bath in the lava to rest. And suddenly Flare came and asked Coldy that if he can also have a sleepover with them and Coldy agreed.

After they came out of the lava, they played a game of making an egg by using their different attacks to bread an egg. So Flame used lava balls, Coldy used ice spike and Flare used a pure attack. As all the attacks met, it became a pure-cold-fire dragon egg in front of them.

They told Coldy’s mom and she put it in the volcano to bread.

“I can’t wait to he breads!” said Coldy excitedly.

“And I wonder what will he look like?” asked Flare.

“What shall we do NOW?” asked Flame.

“Now, we wait,” answered Coldy.

“But what shall we do while we wait?” asked Flare and Flame together.

“I don’t know,” said Coldy.

Then they thought for a moment and suddenly Flame asked, “why don’t we splash in the big volcano?”

“Lava splash?” asked Flare and Coldy.

“It’s a game that you have to splash the lava on a huge pile of wood and the first dragon to set his pile of wood on fire wins.” answered Flame.

“Let’s play it!” said Flare.

“We’ll put the wood on the floor,” said Coldy.

“Ok!” agreed Flame.

“How do we get the wood?” asked Flare.

“In my bag,” answered Flame as he opened his bag showing a bunch of wood.

“Good memory, Flame,” said Coldy.

“Thanks!” said Flame.

So they each put down their own big pile of wood then they climbed in the volcano. And Flare spoke just before they started, “may I go to the toilet?” he asked Coldy. “Ok,” answered Coldy, so Flare flew to the toilet and Flame and Coldy had to wait. After one and half minutes, Flare came back and the game started.

Flare and Coldy started to splash crazily immediately. But Flame dived under the lava and suddenly shot fire at his pile of wood under ground. Then he swam up at top speed and started to splash lava immediately.

A moment later, Coldy and Flare looked at him in amazement and Flame smiled. They call went to see the fire, and then curled up by it to rest.

<to be continued>
    書寶 writings dragons
    創作者 Genie 的頭像

    Genie's Life

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