

書寶這個學年幾乎沒有像上個學年那樣, 有需要回家準備, 然後上台報告的作業 (參見 "[書寶上學] 從田野到餐桌 以及 期末報告--糖蔥" 及 "[書寶上學] 太空報告")。不過, 這並不代表這學年沒有需要上台報告的作業!!而是... 所有的事情都在學校完成!

老師對於各個單元裡, 各種活動的安排十分用心, 配合每個單元, 會把各種語文、數學... 等學科訓練加入其中。

這個學年的最後一個單元: "Good eating habits are essential for good health"。單元裡, 孩子們收集包裝盒、傳單、簡報, 學習閱讀食物包裝上的內容物標示, 認識食物分類, 計算分量, 分辨哪些食物對健康有益、哪些是垃圾食物...。單元最後, 還全班一起設計一份給全班的午餐菜單 (包含前菜、主菜、甜點), 並一起去超市採購, 然後動手準備、享用!

而這篇故事 "Unhealthy Rabbit", 也是單元最後的一個 "作業":寫一個與食物與健康相關的故事。孩子們先在寫作本上寫完, 再自己打在電腦裡。輸入的過程中要自己預留插畫的位置, 印出來後畫圖、製作封面, 最後老師再幫每個人裝訂起來, 成為自己的小書。

書寶動作太慢, 打字的部分我們在家裡完成的。這就是他的故事!


Once upon a time, there was a yellow rabbit called Pikachu. He never ate healthy food even thought his master told him to. It happened AGAIN today. It always started like this: Pikachu starts to eat unhealthy food, and then his master said, "Eat healthy food, Pikachu, otherwise you will get sick!" "I don't like healthy food!" Pikachu would say. And his master would try to remove the unhealthy food with healthy food, but Pikachu's hands will become as heavy as gold, so his master can't take the unhealthy food away from him. All his master could do is keeping on trying to get the unhealthy food away until Pikachu ate it all.

It went on and on and on. Everyday what Pikachu eat were sweets, candy, sausages, chips etc..., and all he drink were coke, Sprite, Fanta, cherry coke etc.... So he was very UNHEALTHY.


One day, Pikachu started to feel very sick. When he went to the bathroom, he found out that his poo was strange and multiple color. So he asked his master what was going on. And his master said, "This is because you didn't eat healthy food''. That night, when he was eating unhealthy food aging, something strange happened. He was very hungry but he split everything out that he ate and so he still feels very, very sick. It's getting worse now. He can't even have a good night's sleep.

Because he still felt very sick, he went to the vet the next day. The vet said that Pikachu just need to eat healthy food to get better. The vet gave Pikachu and his master a list of food and drink Pikachu should diet on each week. Here's what the list says:

• From the first week to the third week:

- 3 and a half liter of Avocado milk per week (A half liter per day).
- 7 baked potatoes per week (1 for a day).
- 10 and a half kilogram of noodles per week (1 and half kilogram a day).
- 10 and a half kilogram rice per week (1 and half kilogram per day)
- 3 and a half kilogram salad per week (500 gram per day).

• From the fourth week to the sixth week:

- 11 gram salad per day.
- 10 gram cereal per day.
- 2 oranges per day.
- 1kilogram noodles per day
- a half baked potatoes per day
- 1liter avocado milk per day


The vet also said that Pikachu MUST diet on EXACTLY what the list say.

The next day, Pikachu started to diet on what the list said. For breakfast, he drank a half liter of avocado milk, it tastes bitter but good, and ate 500 gram salad, it was delicious. "Bad that I never try them before", Pikachu told himself. For lunch, he just ate noodles." This is delicious!" Pikachu shouted. For dinner, Pikachu ate a baked potato and 1and half kilogram rice. "Good potato!" said Pikachu. At the start of the froth week Pikachu keep diet on EXACTLY what the list said.

At the end of the sixth week, he was completely good.


    書寶 故事 教學方式
    創作者 Genie 的頭像

    Genie's Life

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